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    Oden Noodle Boiler Gas Machine FR-2M-15
    1 X RM635.00 = RM635.00
    The Fresco Auto Sealing Machine FR900 is a continuous band sealer equipped with a green conveyor belt and an intuitive control panel, complete with buttons and indicators.
    Auto Sealing Machine Continuous FR900
    1 X RM715.00 = RM715.00
    Oden _ Noodle Cooker FEH-20BA Electric Machine 01
    Oden 9 Grid 2 Noodle Cooker FEH-20BA
    1 X RM680.00 = RM680.00
    Oden_Noodle Machine Oden 9 Grids Gas Machine 01
    Oden 9 Grids Gas Machine FR-25.R
    1 X RM465.00 = RM465.00
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